Mon 27 Jan
$100¨¨*•- ( E-X-0-T-i-C) ¦:-•* ♥ *•-:¦ ( D - R - E - A - M - G - I - R - L ) •*¨¨*• - $100 SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma fife Fed Way Lakewood puyallup)
Sat 11 Jan
INCAll LaTe NigHt SpEcIalS... 253.. 203.. 8964 KeNdRa - 20
(Tacoma, lakewood fife fed way puyallup lacey)
Fri 10 Jan
**~* LeT's StArT YoUr DaY oFF WiTh a sMiLe*~** - 22
(Tacoma, Lakewood, U.P., Puyallup, Fife, Fed Way)
**~* LeT's StArT YoUr DaY oFF WiTh a sMiLe*~** - 22
(Tacoma, Lakewood, U.P., Puyallup, Fife, Fed Way)
Wed 08 Jan
{ ♥} :*: {♥} Y.O.U.R :*: L.i.T.T.L.E :*: S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} :*: {♥} - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood Puyallup Fife fed way)
Mon 06 Jan
*-:¦:-* Sweet & Sexy* -:¦:- *Fun & Petite* -:¦:- *AVALIABLE :¦:-* - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood Fife Puyallup Fed Way)
INCAll LaTe NigHt SpEcIalS... 253.. 203.. 8964 KeNdRa - 20
(Tacoma, lakewood fife fed way puyallup lacey)
Sun 05 Jan
{ ♥} :*: {♥} Y.O.U.R :*: L.i.T.T.L.E :*: S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} :*: {♥} - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood Puyallup Fife fed way)
Sat 04 Jan
¨*:Early Bird Special °TACOMAs FINEST [[C3RT!F!3D]] -THiCK EBONY]] Incall Special$ .:¨* - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood Fife Puyallup Fed Way)
Fri 03 Jan
*-:¦:-* Sweet & Sexy* -:¦:- *Fun & Petite* -:¦:- *AVALIABLE :¦:-* - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood Fife Puyallup Fed Way)
$100¨¨*•- ( E-X-0-T-i-C) ¦:-•* ♥ *•-:¦ ( D - R - E - A - M - G - I - R - L ) •*¨¨*• - $100 SPECIALS - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma fife Fed Way Lakewood puyallup)
Thu 02 Jan