Tue 07 Jan
✨💋🎀🌍 NEW TO YOUR AREA✨Blonde bombshell 💋🎀🌍 Lets Meet🌟⭐️💋💋🎀✨ - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma incall & outcalls to ur place)
★♥★ JuST GoT In ToWN★ ♥★ TiGht & Young ★♥♥★ Perky DD★♥♥★ Puerto Rican priNcess ★♥★ - 20
(Bellingham, Everett, Seattle, Skagit County, Tacoma, OUTCALLS)
~ HEY you ♥ ••• ☆ YES you ♥ ••• ☆ LooK HERE!! - HOT RIGHT KeNdRa LuXX - 20
★GORGEOUS babe ★ PERFECT body ★ PRETTY face ★ available all night - 20
(Tacoma, Outcalls To Your Place)
Pssstttt...Hey You...yeah you over there...pick me :) :) nod nod ;-) ;-) XOXOXO Morgan - 32
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Lakewood, Fife, Puyallup, JBLM)
Stressed out... Take a load off :) Sexy brunetteOUTCALLS - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Puyallup, Kent, Seattle area)
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Exotic Hawaiian H🔥ttie ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Avail. NOW 💋💋💋 253*287*2423 💋💋💋 - 32
(Fife, Tacoma, Tacoma)
Body..Rubs with my Hot little Hands. 206-602-4313 Anne Outcall HOME/HOTEL - 28
✖✖ Japan Alin ✖✖ 253-230-0364 ✖✖ Dream GIRL ✖✖ [[ Sweet & Sexy ]] ✖✖ Hope see u soon ✖✖ - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma / Fife / Lakewood)
rockin hot red head. kelli's up for in call lakewood 34dd - 35
(Tacoma, lakewood 512 exit/ so. tac. way)
(💗 iRrESiSTiBLy SeXy BuSTy BrUNeTTe 💗)::☆ BoDy of a GoDDeSS ☆::(💗 UnFORGeTTaBLe ExPeRiEnCe 💗) - 24
*** Lets Start This Week Right ***With The Vary Best*** - 49
(Tacoma, Stielacoom Balvd and Meadow Rd.)
💘💎➔➔ THE_M A I N_ATTRACTION ▬▬▬ 💓Thick & Curvy 💓 ▬▬▬ Wet & Naughty 💘💎➔➔ SHOULD I VISIT THE AREA?? - 28
(Bremerton Kitsap Area, Tacoma)
And💖(Y_O_U'R_E) °°•💖•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•💖•°°(L_O_V_E)°°•💖•°° (M_E)💖 - 27
(SeaTac Tukwila Kent federal way, Tacoma)
👑👑SEXY blonde babe ready to take care of you now 💖💖 - 21
(In Call, Federal Way, Tacoma, Fife, Tacoma)
# 9733; EyE CaNdY ★ SiMpLy IrReSiStAbLe & 100$ incall special ; ***EARLY BIRD SPECIALS**** - 27
(Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
24/7Blond Bunny Cinderella 253-244-8565 Outcalls 24/7 - 19
(Tacoma, kent, auburn, federal way, so. king coun)
cute girl out of the ordinary Asian Massage! - - 26
(Tacoma, SLEater kinney RD SE Tel : 360-556-1614)
RELAX... your wish is my command!! Exotic brunette OUTCALLS - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Puyallup, Kent, Seattle area)
▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬ ❤ GRAND OPENING‼️‼️ TODAY ‼️‼️I-5 - 129 Exit ❤▬▬▬▬❤▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬❤ - 19
(7002 Tacoma Mall BLVD, suite B, Tacoma, Tacoma)
yOungTiGHt & Soaked×*×*INcALL SPECIALS!!Take a trip w/Asian Girl Fetish Friendly W*E*T FIRE!! - 19
(City of Seattle, Downtown Tacoma Incall, Seattle, Tacoma)
TNA Verified!❤ Discreet 💌 ❤ Real 🔒❤ Sexy & Playful 😏 OUTCALL Kitsap area & Tacoma - 22
(Bremerton, Silverdale, Kitsap Area, Tacoma)
*** The hottest Island Girl on here let alone the hottest girl on here... 2535334796 - 27
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Lakewood, Fife, Federal Way)
🎀Bodacious Mixed Bombshell🎀Pouty Lips Big Tits Thick Hips 👠💋👙😘 - 21
(Tacoma, Downtown Tacoma Incalls)
Amazing SeXiest : 2 GIRL Show EveR BesT Of bOtH woRLds - 21
##### Outcall Only 206-407-3519 &&& Beauty Girl &&& Taiwanese Anna ########-- - 21
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
**** Call 206-407-3519 #*#* Sexy New Asian Girl Renna *#*# Outcall Only ********* * - 21
(City of Seattle, Outcall Only, Seattle)
•★• ExOTiC PLaYmAtE CaTeRiNg 2 YoUr WiLdEsT FaNtaSiEs •★• - 22
(Tacoma, Pierce County Incall/Outcall)
:-)(-: Stop Stress! Come Visit Me. Stress Free No Drama Zone :-}{-: Sweet Gemini - 30
(Tacoma, Tacoma in call Only)
GoTtA SwEEt Tooth ° In Calls ONLY ° Nu PiCs¤ All M£ Or its FrEe¤ 60/85$ §pEcIaLs ° TnA's FaV° - 25
(Tacoma, Tacoma (tacmall area) in call only)
•☆• █ ▬▬ ► DirtTy GirL LOVERS ◄▬▬ ALL TIME ★☆★☆ F A V O R i T E ▬ █ •☆• █ ▬▬► 5o-13o SpcLs ◄▬▬ - 30
🎯🎯🎯(RENTON AmErIcAn) 🎯🎯🎯 HEAD to ToE ReLaxAtIoN - 30
(Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, RENTON Highlands, Seattle, Tacoma)
★ SeXXy★ Busty ♥Chloe ♥ New pics!! Experience the unrushed session you've been looking for!!! - 29
(Tacoma, Private Tacoma incall, no outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
**Pretty Jaden** WELL ESTABLISHED & REVIEWED ESCORT-!- Gr8 Rates & Tacoma Incall-!- - 28
▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ L e t ' s °•❤•° ℳ a k e °• •❤•° ℳ a g i c ❤ ▄▄▄ •°•★• IrR3sIsTiBlE bRuN3tT3 sP!nN3r •★•° - 22
(Tacoma, Federal Way Incall+Outcalls*Ready Now*)
** If You Want The Best Call The Best*** (253-625-9181) - 49
(Tacoma, Stielacoom balvd and Meadow Rd Lakewood)
Sexy Mami ready TOO PLAY. CALL NOW!! *Specials all DAY & night!! 2 girls SPECIALS! - 19
(Tacoma, Tacoma Federal.Way puyallup. Spanaway.)
Frisky Friendly Frolick - Spring into Ananda - Girl next door with Perks and Perkies - 42
(Tacoma, South hill - Puyallup 98373)
🔴🔴DOWNTOWN (First Time🔴║★║🔴🔴36D COLLEGE STUDENT (Short Visit) 🔴🔴║★║🔴🔴all menu NURU MASSAGE - 20
(DOWNTOWN = Olympia new open, Tacoma)
~! FuN & PlAyFuL_A+ BoDy ❤ JuSt➫ WhAt ➫ U➫ N33D❤ &_MoRe!! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma Incall Only( Leaving Soon))
~~~ BOOBYLICIOUS x2 ~~ FBSM/Body Rub & Duos~~ Latin Beauty ~~ Lacey - 34
(Olympia, Tacoma, Lacey, Olympia, Dupont, JBLM, Tacoma)
🏈 §C0R€ @ T0uCH D0wN 🏈 W/this BU§T¥ 👯BRuN€TT€§ M¡ND BL💨W¡NG PL€A§UR€ B€¥OND 🌴 M€A§UR€ BOD¥SL¡D€ - 26
🔥Blazin' Hot🔥Bodywork by Busty🍒Sexy👠 Brunette👙 ☆☆ - 22
(Gig Harbor, Tacoma surrounding areas, Tacoma)
COCO Wants to Rub Her Sexy Soft Body Next To Yoursss Hot Specail Waiting On You !!! - 32
▃▃💞Amazing All Natural Petite Treat💞▃💥New Pic💥▃▃▃ 💋MUST SEE!💋Click HERE 💋▃💥BREMERTON INCALL!💥 - 24
(Bremerton incall, Seattle, Tacoma)
The Ultimate Mature Woman Experience from a sexy, PASSIONATE 50+ woman - 56
(Tacoma, Fife IN/OUT to all areas incl. airport)