Mon 27 Jan
The SUPER Tiny Sexxiest around half Japanese and white milatary special 2536557033 - 30
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surounding areas 2536557033)
*~*sUpEr SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 21
(Seattle, OUTCALLS TO ALL AREAS 120/170)
Stunning Petite Beauty Available for IN & OUT calls GENTLEMEN ONLY - 25
(Tacoma, Sea-Tac, Surrounding Areas)
SUNDAY SPECIAL $80° *JUST WHAT YOU NEED*..All Night... (253) 219~6249 AVaILAbLE 24/7...BELLA - 25
(Tacoma, Lakewood, Fife and surrounding areas)
;*;*;*;* SuPeR HoT ExOtIc FReAk ReAdY To pLaY 100% real pics - 23
★ SPECIAL ★COME PLAY w/a HOTTiE ★ whO liKes 2pLAY wiTH YoU ★ - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
special time with special prices... new in Port Orchard I'm naughty and priceless!! - 29
(Port Orchard i/c , Surrounding areas o/c, Tacoma)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE► ★►★ AVAILABLE RightT NoW! 36DD'S - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
☆ Sexy Sweet blonde **** 💗 Super HOT 💗 Petite and Flexible!! - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way & surrounding areas)
SUPER, FREAKY, EXTRA KINKY CUTIE wantS to give you special attention in BREMERTON! - 31
(Tacoma, bremerton and surrounding areas)
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!! Let Kandy fulfill Your Every Wish & Fantasy!!! - 21
(Outcalls tacoma & surronding areas)
§ฯηfυl¥🍰§₩ξξτ ㅊ🍭сlαriτγ手�Y0ur ult¡mat€ bl0nDe AddictI0n »--> - 24
(Puyallup tacoma surrounding areas, Tacoma)
C_H_L_O_E__T_H_A_T _ _S_E_X_X_I__ M_I_L_F__N_E_X_T __D (๏人 ๏)R__253-988-1271 - 45
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
ExX0T!C __B U $ T Y___P L A Y M @ T E ★ $100 M0RN!NG $PEC!aLs___100 $PEC!ALS - 24
(TACOMA ~ !N & 0UT)
👅💦 $💯Early Bird Special Exotic Spinner Blonde Bombshell 📞Call Me 👅💦 - 26
(Federal way Incall out calls everywhere, Tacoma)
🍭Come get me NOW🍭 Upscale Talented Sexy Companion "Your PLEASURE is my DESIRE" **425 921 0659 ** - 23
Everyone Deserves A Little Piece Of Heaven ;) *NEW PICZ* - 20
(Tacoma, Sea-Tac & All Surrounding Areas(OUTCALL))
((Brittneys back!!)) come see me and never forget me! Miss britt - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma/surrounding areas)
Brunette Beauty✨💕Petite & Curvy💕✨TNA Verified💕✨ Best In The NW❗️❗️ - 26
(Puyallup, surrounding areas, Tacoma)
Come See Me! I will definitely put a smile on your face!! - 28
(Tacoma, kitsap and surrounding areas (BREMERTON))
Come ***Let $avannah Fulfill your Freaky Fantisies - 26
(Tacoma, lakewood tacoma sourrounding areas)
‼️ALERT‼️LAST NigHT iNTowN! LeaViNg TowN SooN! HoT BLoNde boMbsHeLL!💋 ReaDy 4FuN 📞CaLL Me💋 - 24
(Tacoma, 👑206👑476👑9988 IN&OUT; CALLS)
Beautiful Busty Ex-Pornstar new to the area. Lets have a EXCELLENT time ;) - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Olympia and Surrounding areas)
★ .:*¨¨*- BLUE EYED beauty DOWN FOR THE DUTY :*¨¨*-:¦: _★ WEDNESDAY DISCOUNT - 28
(Tacoma, Bremerton, Tacoma, and Surrounding areas)
♥ * SEXY; Seductive ~TOP NOTCH~ Brunette Playmate ♥ * - 21
(Tacoma, TACOMA INCALL/OUTCALLS & surr. areas)
$100Special Up ALL Night Out Calls EVERYWHERE Call Me! - 26
(Federal way Incall out calls everywhere, Tacoma)
$60 half hour massage $115/hr Incall special!!!! Erotic Full Body massages for all the right places - 29
2 SEXY mixed SISTERS ready TO make YOUR fantasies COME TRUE!!!!!!!!! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Olympia, surrounding areas)
♥ Bash my Booty! 150 HR outcalls ! Only for Tonight Sensual G.F.E! ♥ - 21
(Outcalls All over North!!!)
36D NATURAL Unforgettable ASIAN Curvy Playmate xoxo ((( MARILYN )))
(Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle and Surrounding Areas)
50 DONATION SPECIAL - DONT MISS OUT!!! - My donation may be cheap but I am not! - 38
(Seattle/Tacoma/Surrounding Areas)
$60 SPECIAL!!!! T R E A T ~~---~~ Y O U R S E L F $60 SPECIAL!!!! - 24
(Tacoma and Surrounding Areas)
***100% All REAL super sensious curves "The FACTOR "to your needs - 27
(Tacoma, tacoma and surrounding areas)
✨✨New Asian Girl In Town & ⬇️⬇️ To Have Some Fun 😜💦💦 Avaliable Now ☎️🤑 - 24
(Surrounding Areas, Tacoma)
22 New in town and ready to have some fun!!!Ask aout Xmas specials - 22
(Tacoma, in call/out call surrounding areas)
☆ Sophisticated Petite Bombshell--> A Rejuvinating Sensual Touch Now Awaits ☆ - 20
(Tacoma, Tacoma Mall Incalls&Outcalls;♥)
1 hot hottie all over your 1 body! 100% real if its not me it's free! - 27
(Tacoma, Bremerton kitsap and surrounding areas)
50* 60* DouBLE X2√Exotic Mix 80* 120* FULL BODY HINDU RUB* With A Twist - 25
Immediate Openings, Top Pay, Busy Upscale Business, Female Owned, Looking for Attractive Women - 30
(Tacoma, Tacoma and Surrounding Areas)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE► ★►★ AVAILABLE RightT NoW! 36DD'S - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
☆ Sexy Sweet blonde **** 💗 Super HOT 💗 Petite and Flexible!! - 24
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way & surrounding areas)
**(( SeXy iTAliAN HoTTiE ))**(( WeLL REviWeD ))**(( YoUr NewesT TeMpTAtiOn ))**((THicK && BuSTy ))** - 21
(Everett, OUTCALLS ALL OVER 120/170)
Sexy latina dedicated to giving you the best service you can imagine 2 hr special - 23
(City of Seattle, Olympia, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, Tacoma surrounding areas)
sat/sun4-9am special New 2 bp, Open Minded, Sexxy, Satisfying, Clean & Discreet - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas)
Sexy BLONDE ♥ _P_L_E_A _S_U _R_E_ ♥ _P_R_I_N _C_E_S_S_ ♥ Ready Right Now! (253)777 5126 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma IN & outcalls 2 surrounding areas)
¦:-* SeXy ; ~.LaDiEs; loOkiNg FoR:- *¨FuN¨* - 23
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Seattle Surrounding areas)
•*★*• SiNFuLLy° DeLiCIouS° THiCk° &° BuSTy° GoDDeSS° ° •*★* - 32
(Tacoma, Bremerton Silverdale Surrounding Areas)
S-E-X-Y•★•B-L-O -N-D-E •★• P-L-E- A-S-U-R-E •★• P-R-I-N- C-E-S-S •★•-(253) 777-5126 - 26
(Tacoma, Tacoma In/out to surrounding areas)
* * Ready and available- will send more pics over phone-120 hr special/incalls near tacoma mall - 22
(Tacoma, tacoma and surrounding areas.)
•*★*• SiNFuLLy° DeLiCIouS° GoDDeSS° Specials All Weekend° •*★* - 32
(Tacoma, Bremerton Silverdale Surrounding Areas)
Snow Bunny Special - it's getting colder outside. Red headed beauty to help warm u up - 29
(Tacoma, Tacoma and surrounding areas outcall)
PICK ME PICK ME;; [[iTALiAN 💕 BRUNEttE]] Sweet & Seductive💋 - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
★★★ SEXY, ★★ sassy, ★★FREAKY ★★ nasty ★★ yummmmmmy !!!!★★ ★★★ - 28
(Tacoma, bremerton and surrounding areas)
🌟4th🔴OF🔵JULY⚪ SPECIALS!🌟👑Italian Вєαυту💋Petite W/ Booty.🍑 δe∂uctive👅A∂∂ictive💦 ➜ 💯REAL📷 - 21
(Tacoma, Tacoma & Sur. Areas (INCALLS ONLY))
★ .:*¨¨*- BLUE EYED beauty DOWN FOR THE DUTY :*¨¨*-:¦: _★ WEDNESDAY DISCOUNT - 28
(Tacoma, Bremerton, Tacoma, and Surrounding areas)
*Sweet Young Black Pussy Special! Now Until 9AM 90$ Will Trade Services For A Laptop I Need 1 Bad * - 19
~~~~ >CLICK HERE♥ Y O U R ♥ U L T I M A T E ♥ F A N T A S Y ♥ 206-550-0692 - 24
(Tacoma, TACOMA & outcalls 2 surrounding areas)
$60 half hour massage $115/hr Incall special!!!! Erotic Full Body massages for all the right places - 29
2 SEXY mixed SISTERS ready TO make YOUR fantasies COME TRUE!!!!!!!!! - 22
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Olympia, surrounding areas)
# 9733; EyE CaNdY ★ SiMpLy IrReSiStAbLe & 100$ incall special ; ***EARLY BIRD SPECIALS**** - 27
(Tacoma & Surrounding Areas)
★ _100 SPECIAL!!_ ★ _DRoPDEAD GoRGEoUS BaRBiE_ ★ _JUiCY w/ THiCK "ASSets"! - 22
(TACOMA/Lakewood {Visiting 2days! Only!})
✨✨New Asian Girl In Town & ⬇️⬇️ To Have Some Fun 😜💦💦 Avaliable Now ☎️🤑 - 24
(Surrounding Areas, Tacoma)